Dear Hard Worker

 Dear Hard Worker,

    Do not worry about making mistakes at work. Do not feel like you are inadequate. There are many people who are not interested in learning things at work. The fact that you stepped in and was willing to learn new things is a huge achievement. Sometimes it may feel like you have not accomplished a lot, but believe me you did accomplish A LOT. You started at minimum wage at another job and now you are in a decent paying, management level position. Because you are learning and experiencing all kinds of things, you may feel overwhelmed at times. If there ever comes a time where you feel overwhelmed, just stop, take a step back and take a little break...At the end of the day it comes down to you. You may have had some help finding a job and perhaps you were given all kinds of advice and opinions, but really, you were the one who made the choice to have a job and to work hard. It's all you, you don't owe anyone anythinggg. You could have easily said no or just quit, but no you kept going. You are amazing. Sometimes you may feel like a weak person because you are overwhelmed, or tired, or feel like crying from all of these negative emotions. Let me assure you, it's normal to feel overwhelmed. As a leader, never consider the choices and ideas you make at work as bad ones. The supposedly bad ones are like learning experiences. Do not "should" yourself as well. Do not worry about anything. You are still worthy even if you make a mistake.

I hope this post helps anyone out there who is struggling with their self-esteem/anxiety at the workplace. I repeat, you are worthy.


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