Irritating Things About Cops

This post is on a very random subject. Definitely out of my league.
Corruption in the criminal justice system has been happening for decades. Now it seems like the system is corrupted even more than before. I think the media has been emphasizing on this topic a lot more these days. More people are aware of it so maybe that's why it looks like corruption in the justice system has increased. Either way, decreased or increased, corruption is still bad.

I noticed that a lot of people show videos of bad cops on Facebook so they have kind of inspired me to write this post. 

My second inspiration was an incident...

Two days ago when I was driving home I saw a cop drive through a red light. At first, he stopped at the red light. I was in the lane next to him. He hesitated for awhile. Then, he drove away without even the sirens on. My first thought was, "AW HELL NO! HE DID NOT JUST DO THAT!" Then I thought "Is that even legal for a cop to drive through a red light without the sirens on?"

If no then WTF?!  I would of  kind of understood it better if he had the sirens on, but he didn't. It was not even a hidden, secret cop car. It was the normal type.

Maybe he was after someone, but he just didn't want the person to know so he had the sirens off? Maybe he was abusing his power? Maybe he was breaking the law without even knowing lol? I don't know. This was definitely a questionable situation.

I felt kind of irritated after that incident haha. If he really was abusing power...then GRR!

Seriously, some cops are so STUPID. Sometimes I wonder how these stupid people were able to become cops in the first place.They are really giving a bad reputation for other cops. I feel like some of them don't understand their role in society.

I understand that they put their lives on the line (I respect them for that), but some just NEED TO TONE DOWN THEIR EGOS AND STOP ABUSING THEIR POWER SO MUCH.


I know I should not be taking this so personally, but the system affects so many people's lives. It's sad in some situations.


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