Review: Magic Sakura Tree - The Paper Tree That Blossoms!

Imagine having a cardboard paper tree that "magically" grew flowers. Is that possible in real life? According to a product called the Magic Sakura TreeIT IS POSSIBLE. 

*It's the amazing tree that blossoms!*

I was skeptical about all of this at first, but after seeing a video of it on YouTube, I decided to try it myself!

I bought the product from the Thumbs Up UK Company for $22.09 + free shipping on Amazon.

It was easy to open the case.
It came with a cardboard paper tree, a tray (or dish or whatever it's called), and a small bag of "magic" water.

The instructions were pretty easy to follow:

Step 1: unfold the tree
Step 2: put the tree on the tray
Step 3: unfold the branches 
Step 4: pour the water on top of the branches

Me being a dumbass and being so excited, I didn't put paper towels or a small towel under the tray. I spilled the water all over the table while I was pouring it onto the branches.

The whole process took me about 10 minutes. The unfolding of the branches part took the longest. Kept fixing the branches a lot.

The tree had a piece of tape stuck to it. That bothered me a little so I took the tape off before I placed it into the tray lol.

It said in the instructions page that the magic water is odorless.

Umm not completely true.

The water had this weird smell at first. It smelled like rotten eggs mixed with glue or like vinegar. The smell wasn't so overwhelming though.
It said that the tree will begin to bloom within 4 hours once the water has been fully absorbed.

According to my experience, it really did start blooming within 4 hours!

It also said that the tree will be in full bloom within 24 hours. My tree took about 8-10 hours. When I woke up about 8 hours later, the branches were all dry.

It's suppose to last for a month. 
In full bloom, the tree is about 5.5 inches tall (13.9 cm) and 5 inches wide (12.7 cm). So it doesn't take up soo much space. Perfect as a desktop accessory.

Cautions/Warning from instructions page:
*You cannot touch the tree while it is blooming. (I tested this a little bit and some pedals did fall down. It's very fragile).

*Keep it away from sunlight and wind.

*Rinse the magic water off if it comes into contact with your eyes or mouth.

*Do not eat the flowers. 

Other comments: The original version is from Japan and is done by the Otogino Company. I planned to buy the Japanese version at first, but when I found the website for it, it was in Japanese. I don't know Japanese so I didn't buy it. Feel free to leave a comment or message if you find an English language website that sells this version.

I love my little Magic Sakura tree! It's so cute and pretty! 

6th month update:

Check out my 3 minute video to see how it was done!:


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